3.5" TFT LCD ILI9327 SPI version

Hello, everybody!

I have some problems with my new 3.5" TFT LCD.
It does not have a touchscreen and sd card slot (I have a single sd card module). Also it has different pinout, rather than version with touchscreen.
I connected it to my arduino nano via usual spi, and it works well with the example that I found. Thanks to avr_fred for the working example! 3.5 TFT ili9327 lcd shield problem - Displays - Arduino Forum


3v3 - 3v3
SS - D10
SCK - D13
MOSI - D11
MISO - D12

The next step for me is to display some images on this LCD. I tried to search working examples/libraries for ILI9327 to display some text or images on this LCD but have no result yet. It seems that there is no working library of this lcd for arduino uno. Am I wrong?
I know that it is slow LCD but it is fine fore me for practice. I'm a newbie in programming and I do not want to throw it away due to the lack of appropriate library.

Help me please.

I am pretty much in same boat, just getting TFT 320 software together, so I am of no help for now.
OT question - how did you determine it is slow"?

Maybe I shouldn't evaluate LCD's FPS :smiley: just by running "MCP23S17_9327_35_spi_8" example, but it requires 2 seconds in average.

Sorry for OT, but I want to know the type of touchscreen of LCD that comes with sd card slot and works with UTFT library. Is there any owners of it? I mean one of these lcds to be more precisely http://fr.aliexpress.com/item/3-5-inch-TFT-Touch-LCD-Screen-Display-Module-For-Arduino-UNO-R3-HIGH-QUALITY-NEW/1863849423.html
Is it resistive touchscreen? Has anybody displayed images on it from sd?

Unfortunately it seems that I will have to throw it out and buy a new one. BECAUSE OF LACK OF LIBRARY. By the way, Wayback Machine shows that mcufriend site has a short period of work between two marks: February 17 and April 6.

Could anybody advise me working example of LCD with resistive touchscreen? I wanna to buy new one...

Maybe I shouldn't evaluate LCD's FPS :smiley: just by running "MCP23S17_9327_35_spi_8" example, but it requires 2 seconds in average.

Sorry for OT, but I want to know the type of touchscreen of LCD that comes with sd card slot and works with UTFT library. Is there any owners of it? I mean one of these lcds to be more precisely http://fr.aliexpress.com/item/3-5-inch-TFT-Touch-LCD-Screen-Display-Module-For-Arduino-UNO-R3-HIGH-QUALITY-NEW/1863849423.html
Is it resistive touchscreen? Has anybody displayed images on it from sd?

Unfortunately it seems that I will have to throw it out and buy a new one. BECAUSE OF LACK OF LIBRARY. By the way, Wayback Machine shows that mcufriend site has a short period of work between two marks: February 17 and April 6.

Could anybody advise me working example of LCD with resistive touchscreen? I wanna to buy new one...

Maybe I shouldn't evaluate LCD's FPS :smiley: just by running "MCP23S17_9327_35_spi_8" example, but it requires 2 seconds in average.

Sorry for OT, but I want to know the type of touchscreen of LCD that comes with sd card slot and works with UTFT library. Is there any owners of it? I mean one of these lcds to be more precisely http://fr.aliexpress.com/item/3-5-inch-TFT-Touch-LCD-Screen-Display-Module-For-Arduino-UNO-R3-HIGH-QUALITY-NEW/1863849423.html
Is it resistive touchscreen? Has anybody displayed images on it from sd?

Unfortunately it seems that I will have to throw it out and buy a new one. BECAUSE OF LACK OF LIBRARY. By the way, Wayback Machine shows that mcufriend site has a short period of work between two marks: February 17 and April 6.

Could anybody advise me working example of LCD with resistive touchscreen? I wanna to buy new one...

Thanks for the answer.
I just have TFT 320 QUT and waiting for the connecting cable.
There are conflicting (HARDWARE) info on this touch ( assume resistive) LCD with serial SD.

It was cheap (< 20$ US) BUT it has ONLY 8080 type hardware interface "option" , hence full 16 bits data bus.
That is way I asked about the "speed" - somebody mentioned that using serial interface MAY be slow.

As far as "library" goes everybody always refers to UTFT - "original work by so and so ".

I have been taking it apart and it seem to be very universal - the key is to find which controller is in your LCD package / shield or whatever you wanna call it.

As in past - I am relying on datasheets and code examples and not just on "library" descriptions of met6hods.

Good news to everyone! I solved problems of this LCD.

If anybody have the same LCD I can describe the solution. Anyway it is crappy LCD and you will never know when it is lagging by itself that makes it more difficult to fix all in one. Also it is very slow, requires 5 seconds in average to draw 240x400 image from sd.

Now I'm going to make it work with stm32 and buy a new one with touchscreen.

I am confused. Message #1 and #4 imply a green SPI board with only 4 lines. Presumably a MCP23S17 bus expander to drive an 8-bit parallel bus ILI9327.
Message #2 implies a regular red Uno shield that has the same pins as other mcufriend Uno Shields.

I have several 240x320 "red" shields and have just ordered
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1pc-3-5-inch-3-5-TFT-LCD-Shield-Touch-Panel-Display-with-TF-Reader-for/1814791861.html which looks exactly like the board from message #2.
Since the ILI9327 has got a native SPI interface, I cannot understand why anyone would use a MCP23S17.

It should be pretty simple to add a MCP23S17 hardware driver to the UTFT library.

I am just guessing that the "red" shield will have the same Resistive Touchscreen and the same microSD and 8-bit parallel TFT pins as the other mcufriend shields.

Where did you get your green board?


Sorry for inconvenience. To clarify the situation I should have said at the beginning of thread that I only have a one LCD with green pcb. I get it in a local store.

It is the same LCD on these pictures. It has only 7 pins on the board and there is no touchscreen or sd card slot. Also it has MCP23S17 (16-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface). http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/21952b.pdf

I don't have a red one that has 28 pins on the board.

Also my LCD works without UTFT library.

I quite understand that you have the green serial pcb. I was hoping that you would post a link to an online store. A "local store" means very little when we do not even know which country that you live in.

It is very simple to find the data sheet for a MCP23S17 or any chip with a specific device number. Just ask Google. Anonymous custom modules or pcb are difficult to find without some extra clues.

It should be very easy to adapt an Adafruit or UTFT library to use with your display. It will be relatively slow compared to a native controller SPI or parallel interface used with an Arduino.

When my shield arrives in 9-45 days I would expect it to work at 80% of the speed of the 320x240 shields. i.e. just because there are more pixels.
