3-Axis CNC control with Arduino Due

I plan to control the 3-Axis of my CNC milling machine with an Arduino Due.
Each axis should be driven by a stepper motor controlled by the arduino (+ some kind of stepper driver PCB)
Also there is a rotary encoder on each axis. The rotary encoders have a resolution of 1000 steps / revolution.
Do you think it will be possible to do all 3-axis in "real-time" with one arduino due?

I really cant say if the Arduino is able to handle that amount of data for 3 axis in an acceptable speed.
Sending signals to 3 stepper motors at the same time (1x high for 1.8 degrees) + getting signals from 3 rotary encoders (3x 1000 per rev!!) seems pretty much to me.

Does anyone of you have any experience with this kind of project?
I dont have the hardware here yet and would like to know it is possible or if i have to think of something else.

Thanks in advance!

No problem you can do it with a UNO. How fast do you want the CNC to run.
Have you seen my project
Sure there is no encoder feedback but that is not a problem.

i am not yet sure ab out the speed; the motors have a little gear transmission right before the axis spindles. Ill have to check the ratio of those. I will also have to check the pitch of the spindles. But of course more speed is better :wink:

Using Interrupts for 3 rotary encoders should not be a prob you say? 1000 inputs (TTL) per Revolution in 3 axis St the same time is pretty much tho...

You have a processor in the basic UNO that runs at 16MHz. That is 16000000 clock cycles per second. So with three of your encoders giving you a total of 3000 pulse per second that gives you 16000000 / 3000 = 5333 clock cycles / instructions to handle each interrupt. That is plenty of time.

This would assume having 1 revolution per second. Depending on the axis speed it may require the arduino to handle more interrupts.
Since the stepper motors do require signal all the time (without signal the stepper motors would just stop where they are...) i am not sure if all of those interrupts prevent the stepper motors (controlled in the main loop() ) from running smoothly

Since the stepper motors do require signal all the time

No you only need to give it a signal pulse every step time.
You are going to have to do some numbers if you are worried.