3 axis MRU

Hi all,

i'm quite new to Arduino, and would like to have some suggestion for a small project.

I would like to interfacing to a navigation software different devices.

1- GPS

2- Heading Sensor

3- 3 axis accelerometer ( pitch and roll sensor)

Also would like to output data string (as NMEA protocol), to the navigation software.

Wich sensor has to buy?

Do they have serial output?

Could they output NMEA Protocol ?

Many thanks for any suggestions and replay.

Ciao :wink:

GPS generally emits NMEA already. Compass and accelerometers are less likely to emit serial - looking at a few at Sparkfun's site, they were using I2C.

You can hook them all up to an arduino though, read their data and translate it into whatever NMEA type sentences your Nav equipment expects. You may need to convert your serial out to true RS232 voltage levels. As ever, a MAX232 is handy for this.

You can buy small, self contained units that do what you want and they are getting cheaper all the time. See for example http://www.chrobotics.com/

Hi guys,

and thank for the replay.

I checked at chrobotics.com for the integrated unit, but too expensive.

So maybe the best option is to hook up the 3 units togheter and use a Max 232

Do you think a Max 232 single channel it is enough? or, beacause i will outputs

different strings from differents devices, i will need a multichannel?

I will try.....

thanks guys