3 phase 3 wire/3 phase 4 wire

Dear all

I am looking for circuit where i could able to use common circuit for 3 phase 3 wire and 3 phase 4 wire . Is there any conversion IC available.

Its 5 PIn IC. SMD package. Is there any way to find it.

I have added image for reference

For a short-form device code like that you probably need to know the manufacturer and find their list of
id codes. The problem is small SMDs don't have room for a full part number to be printed so codes are
used, which are meaningless without knowing which code list to consult.

Such 5 pin packages are commonly used for opamps, but not exclusively.

When you say 3 phase, what exactly do you mean?

The conversion between a 3 phase 3 wire circuit and a 3 phase 4 wire circuit is often handled by a transformer, often called a delta-Y transformer.

Now, if all you are trying to do is to measure voltages, no conversion is really necessary.

So, the question is, what are you REALLY trying to do? And what does this have to do with Arduino?

We need more info.
3phase what power? Voltage? Frequency?

What are you trying to build?

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:
PS, Notice you are also asking here too.

What information i need to provide.

electrical connection:
3 phase 4 wire electrical connection
Input Range 0 - 300V AC
frequency 50/60hz

controller i am trying to use atmega328 testing with arduio uno board

I am trying to build digital voltameter/digital energy meter. where I am trying to use the above circuit.
In one of market model they have used IC mentioned in first thread.

I have attached image for reference.

They are supporting 3 phase 3 wire and 3 phase 4 wire in same.

I am trying to build digital voltameter/digital energy meter. where I am trying to use the above circuit.
In one of market model they have used IC mentioned in first thread.

What "market model"?
What "above circuit"?

You only seem to have provided a photo of a single chip that's almost impossible to identify.

You need to provide much more information.

You seem to be "designing" an energy monitor for three phase power. Three voltages, three currents. Delta versus Y should make little difference except that Y makes finding a voltage reference point easier.

If I have anything wrong, please explain further.

With 4 wires you need 3 current sensors, with 3 wires 2 current sensors are sufficient. Add one for earth
leakage measurements. Maybe you want to measure neutral voltage w.r.t. earth in a 4 wire system too?


Can you tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

What do you know about 3phase power cirucits, delta and star connections.

Is this for a commercial or factory installation?

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

I have attached circuit for reference.yes its for industrial application. I have used arduino UNo board.

Here is reference design.

my question is simple. i want to use 3 phase /3 wire and 3phase 4 wire circuit to for this kind of application.

how it can be done

all example code i found is 3 phase 4 wire. How i can measure 3 phase 3 wire .In this case there is no return path. these condition used for motors

How common circuit can be used??

OPs pics.

Tom.. :slight_smile:

Hard to say from that diagram, you've not put any pin numbers... Have you traced all the wiring because
I'd expect something connecting to local ground to match the connection to the microcontroller pin (is that
what you mean by "ST pin" - please be clearer if you can, guessing games aren't very productive...

The circuit could be some analog filter based around an opamp, which are commonly in SOT23-5 packages
like that.


all example code i found is 3 phase 4 wire. How i can measure 3 phase 3 wire .In this case there is no return path. these condition used for motors

  • What example code?
  • Where is this VXMH chip?
  • What makes you think the VXMH chip does it all?
  • Can you tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?
  • What do you know about 3phase power cirucits, delta and star connections.

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

I have taken circuit here Dc motor speed and direction control over WiFi using Nodemcu esp8266 Wifi module

As i told in one of model they are using above circuit. The model and circuit detail attached above.

I would like to based on circuit attached what VXMH chip will do??

IN stpin is going to Microcontroller pin.

If its so difficult. can someone guide as attachment attached if i wanted to make to device work on both 3 phase 3 wire or 3 phase 4 wire.what ckt i need to opt.


as application i see , 3 phase 3 wire used for measurement of motor run application and 3 phase 4 wire used for industrial measurement application.

if we use 3 phase 3 wire , since there is neutral reference unbalance condition occurs.where neutral current in 3 phase 4 wire in case of unbalance condition.

3phase 3 wire we use delta connection

3 phase 4 wire we use star connection

Now in this how can i use.usually we use 3 phase 4 wire . where we use voltage decider network and measure voltage.where as for micro controller we use any single phase




I would like to based on circuit attached what VXMH chip will do??

What does the VXMH chip do?
Can you post a picture of the whole PCB that the "VXMH" chip is on?

I have asked so many times.
Can you tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Have you programmed a microcontroller before?

From your many previous posts it looks like you have been given the information to help you make your 3phase monitor.
Have you built anything to test this information?

Have you googled 3 phase energy monitor arduino

Tom... :slight_smile:

I dont have idea what VXMH will do? my question was how can i identify the label printed on it.
other asked circuit so i traced circuit shown schematic in image file,

Yes i have arduino programming experience. I have been supporting here from long time.
Yes i know in arduino uno using voltage devider network with diode we can achieve voltmeter. But its 3 phase 4 wire .

i would like to use common circuit 3 phase 3 wire . where you dont have neutral reference to measure. where i need to take MCU gnd reference.

Yes you can see my support in forum. i have given lot of Software related solution.

The question i asked is purely hardware related so posted in general electronic.You might thinking how arduino related here if its pure hardware.

i am using arduino uno board. Measurement of sensor and analog reading i dont have issue.

I have issue in hardware before connecting to arduino.
simple ac voltage measusrement circuit is here. Dc motor speed and direction control over WiFi using Nodemcu esp8266 Wifi module

3 phase energy meter

All the example code available is for current measurement .

you can use voltage transducer which gives 0-5V output

you can use transformer and then based on voltage output you can dispaly reading

example code is here

Forget about the VXMH chip, if it was has in in that monitor you showed, it will not be doing everything you want.
If you want to monitor phase to phase voltages, it would be safest to use a transformer between each phase and measure the secondary (lower) voltage.
What is your phase to phase voltage, 415Vac?

Tom... :slight_smile:

phase to phase voltage will be 415 v only.

In case of 3 phase 4 wire . i could able to measure L-L and L-N voltage
but in case of

3 phase 3 wire . i could measure L-L

Here i have attached image of wiring diagram.how ciruit is externally connected to Energy meter/ voltmeter application.

In both case ,could able to display L-L and L-N . difference is

when 3 phase 4 wire used you will get neutral reference.
when 3 phase 3 wire used you will not get neutral reference , but somewhere we need isolated ground reference to display L-L and L-N

MY question is in hardware section, How it can be measured??

Here i have attached complete schematic. I would like to know know what does VXMh IC will do??

Its just giving isolated gnd reference in case of 3 phase 3 wire else it using neutral as reference

Cadstar - Voltmeter.pdf (63.3 KB)

I have issue in hardware before connecting to arduino.
simple ac voltage measusrement circuit is here. https://www.engineersgarage.com/node/4812?i=918032

Careful, that's a terribly dangerous schematic. Most resistors aren't rated for anything like those
voltages (yes resistors have a voltage rating and its very important not to exceed it),
but the absolutely ultra-stupid thing is 1N4148 diodes.... This circuit will kill you.