This is another way of creating 3 phases.
// 3 phase PWM sine
// (c) 2016 C. Masenas
// Modified from original DDS from:
// KHM 2009 / Martin Nawrath
// table of 256 sine values / one sine period / stored in flash memory
PROGMEM const unsigned char sine256[] = {
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
int testPin = 7;
int enablePin = 6 ;
volatile float freq=1;
const float refclk=122.549 ; // 16 MHz/510/256
// variables used inside interrupt service declared as voilatile
volatile unsigned long sigma; // phase accumulator
volatile unsigned long delta; // phase increment
byte phase0, phase1, phase2;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // connect to the serial port
Serial.println("DDS Test");
pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
pinMode(testPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // pin9= PWM output / frequency output
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // pin10= PWM output / frequency output
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); // pin11= PWM output / frequency output
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
// the waveform index is the highest 8 bits of sigma
// choose refclk as freq to increment the lsb of the 8 highest bits
// for every call to the ISR of timer2 overflow
// the lsb of the 8 highest bits is 1<<24 (1LL<<24 for long integer literal)
delta = (1LL<<24)*freq/refclk ;
void loop(){
void changeFreq(float _freq){
cbi (TIMSK2,TOIE2); // disable timer2 overflow detect
freq = _freq;
delta=(1LL<<24)*freq/refclk; // update phase increment
sbi (TIMSK2,TOIE2); // enable timer2 overflow detect
// timer2 setup
// set prscaler to 1, fast PWM
void Setup_timer2() {
// Timer2 Clock Prescaler to : 1
sbi (TCCR2B, CS20); // set
cbi (TCCR2B, CS21); // clear
cbi (TCCR2B, CS22);
// Timer2 PWM Mode
cbi (TCCR2A, COM2A0); // clear OC2A on Compare Match, PWM pin 11
sbi (TCCR2A, COM2A1);
// set to fast PWM
sbi (TCCR2A, WGM20); // Mode 1, phase correct PWM
cbi (TCCR2A, WGM21);
cbi (TCCR2B, WGM22);
sbi (TIMSK2,TOIE2); // enable overflow detect
// timer1 setup (sets pins 9 and 10)
// set prscaler to 1, PWM mode to phase correct PWM, 16000000/510 = 31372.55 Hz clock
void Setup_timer1() {
// Timer1 Clock Prescaler to : 1
sbi (TCCR1B, CS10);
cbi (TCCR1B, CS11);
cbi (TCCR1B, CS12);
// Timer1 PWM Mode set to Phase Correct PWM
cbi (TCCR1A, COM1A0); // clear OC1A on Compare Match, PWM pin 9
sbi (TCCR1A, COM1A1);
cbi (TCCR1A, COM1B0); // clear OC1B on Compare Match, PWM pin 10
sbi (TCCR1A, COM1B1);
sbi (TCCR1A, WGM10); // Mode 1 / phase correct PWM
cbi (TCCR1A, WGM11);
cbi (TCCR1B, WGM12);
cbi (TCCR1B, WGM13);
// Timer2 Interrupt Service at 31372,550 KHz = 32uSec
// this is the timebase REFCLOCK for the DDS generator
// runtime : 8 microseconds ( inclusive push and pop)
// OC2A - pin 11
// OC1B - pin 10
// OC1A - pin 9
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
sigma=sigma+delta; // soft DDS, phase accu with 32 bits
phase0=sigma >> 24; // use upper 8 bits for phase accu as frequency information
// read value fron ROM sine table and send to PWM DAC
phase1 = phase0 +85 ;
phase2 = phase0 +170 ;
OCR2A=pgm_read_byte_near(sine256 + phase0); // pwm pin 11
OCR1B=pgm_read_byte_near(sine256 + phase1); // pwm pin 10
OCR1A=pgm_read_byte_near(sine256 + phase2); // pwm pin 9
how about to generate 3 phase pwm signal without sine wave? can anyone give the code?