315/433Mhz Transmitter/Receiver modules


I have a bit of a dilemma.
I brought 2 packs of transmitters and receivers. One pack was for 433Mhz and the other was 315Mhz.

Now I can identify the transmitters because the 315Mhz has more windings on their coils, where the 433Mhz one has less.

What has got me really puzzled is the receivers. They work with either transmitter so they are not tuned for 433 or 315.

My test bed was this. A transmitter running on 5v with a 5v signal generator putting 10Hkz in to the data pin. Then I had a receiver also running at 5v with the data pin going to my scope.

No matter what transmitter I plugged in - any receiver would show a 10Khz signal. This is a problem as I would like to have 2 separate send only links. And if the receiver responds to both transmitters then that is going to be a big problem.

Any suggestions/observations?

Many thanks

The receivers are not very selective and will accept a wide range of very strong signals.

If you move them further apart, they will be much more selective.

Many thanks for that
I will adjust my experiments :slight_smile: