Hi everyone. I'm trying get use my Arduino UNO send an RF signal to my RF outlet switch to turn on my lamp.
- Arduino + 315 MHz transmitter module
- Arduino + 315 MHz receiver module
- Remote control power outlet with remote
What I have done so far
- Hook up 1st Arduino to RF transmitter module, uploaded sketch RCswitch/SendDemo
- Hook up 2nd Arduino to receiver module, uploaded sketch RCswitch/ReceiveDemo_Advanced
- Copied down the code used after pressing "ON" on my RF remote
Decimal: 13328 (15Bit) Binary: 011010000010000 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 1195 microseconds Protocol: 2
Raw data: 11968,552,1864,1764,656,1768,656,548,1864,1768,664,544,1860,556,1860,548,1864,552,1856,556,1856,1768,660,552,1864,548,1864,552,1860,548,1864,
- Modify SendDemo sketch to send the same signal
mySwitch.send(13328, 15);
- Monitor the serial output on the other Arduino running ReceiveDemo_Advanced
Decimal: 13328 (15Bit) Binary: 011010000010000 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 1195 microseconds Protocol: 2
Raw data: 11956,1180,2416,2372,1220,2376,1220,1180,2412,2376,1224,1176,2412,1180,2420,1176,2412,1180,2416,1180,2412,2376,1224,1176,2412,1180,2420,1176,2416,1176,2420,
The problem
Even though the transmitter module is capable of sending a nearly identical signal, the RF outlet doesn't trigger and my lamp doesn't turn on. The remote control still works. Pressing the "ON" button on the remote generates output in the serial monitor, nearly identical to the signal being sent by the transmitter.
Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to help me.