Hi building a project with a stand-alone 328 processor , which I want to run at 8mhz and 3.3v as it will be battery powered and other boards with it are 3.3v .
I’ve done a google for this site, and there is a lot about fuse setting etc from very old posts . I’d rather avoid that stuff ...
Can I just set the board type to “pro mini 3.3“ ( which uses a 328 processor )or some such and load bootloader and code using that setting ?
Do you know if baud rates will then still be correct ( I will be using a crystal ) and are the 22pf capacitor for the crystal circuit still the right value ?
You can just set the board type to "pro mini 3.3" + 8Mhz of course.
I have done that gazillions of times, no problems with downloads or baud rates etc.
The only issue I find is that the bootloader may be burned with the brownout detector set at 2.7v, so especially when batteries are low, and the processor is not running at 3.3V, there can be issues with resets. Perhaps setting the BOD to 1.8V is an idea.
The value of the load capacitors on the crystal are dependant on the particular crystal (check its datasheet) but I often use 22pF for bare bones ATmegas and they have all worked so far.
The bootloader burner has the option of setting the brownout level, you can set it to internal or external clock and you get to use the Watchdog timer as a program Watchdog.