360 degree Servo motor

hiii......Recently am doing a project on ROBO ARM using arduino. in that i have used one 360 degree servo motor. i tried to rotate the motor for 90 degree and 20 degree back from the 90 degree position. it works good. later i tried to rotate the motor again 20 degree back from the last point. but it was not rotating.
so please give any code to make the servo motor to rotate 90 degree, 20degree back from 90 degree, again 20 degree back from last 20 degree

This question should probably be in the Project Guidance section.

Post your code if you expect to get assistance. Otherwise we will just be making bilnd guesses.

Is that a continuous rotation servo? If so you cannot drive it to a specific angle.


As Robin says we need more info, and a continious servo just moves CW or CCW at various speeds, you can't tell it to move to a certain position??



but it was not rotating.

Have you checked the wiring for bad connections?

HI, we definitely need the make and model of the servo, or where you purchased it.
360Deg is not the norm, 180Deg is.

Tom.... :slight_smile: