I purchased a kossel 3d printer over 2 months ago and while it was a brilliant learning experience, and is the reason I buy kits. There has been a problem that has been driving up the wall, and I can't find a solution that fits my symptoms or if there is. I am too dumb or to bad at googling to find it.
Anyway these are the issues in video form because it probably is much easier to understand.
Things I think you will need.
- The Youtube video where I show my problems (Sorry about the image quality)
- - YouTube
- Firmware used for the 3D printer
- Dropbox - Marlin-deltabot for Sintron Kossel mini.zip - Simplify your life
- Ebay link to the 3D printer
- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sintron-3D-Printer-Kossel-Mini-Full-Kit-w-Auto-level-for-RepRap-Rostock-Delta-/151767800672?hash=item235610db60:g:AjgAAOSw3ydVwBn8
Things I have tried.
- Buying new stepper motor driver boards (of the same type/serial number)
- Changing the voltage of the driver borad to every position
- Checking that the stepper motors are working (they are)
- Using different firmware (mostly marlin ones)
- Checking the coil arrangement of the stepper motors
- fixing the palled off pins of the Arduino
- Changing the Acceleration, jerk and max speed
- Using Repeater and Pronterface
Where am I now.
- The firmware provided by the company I bought the printer from. Is back on the printer and I hver put new drivers on the RAMPs.
I hope this is anothe information to find the problem. If it isn't please ask I will provide you with what I can.
Please reply in time, your sincerely Matthew.