Hi, I built my own 3d printer using arduino and 2 stepper motors. It works and am I happy with it. In my code I send coordinates to arduino move the steppers accordingly.
So my question is this: I have an SVG file and I would like some tool or software that can read SVG file and export ALL of it's coordinates (x,y) to lines from A to B so my printer can go from A to B cause my code only accepts this instrunction.
I read a lot about polylines but I couldnt find anything to export SVG to polylines so I think I hit a dead end.
My understanding is that an SVG file is a drawing and you need to convert it into a series of instructions for stepper motor moves for your 3D printer.
The most common system for storing CNC or 3D printer moves is GCode.
Of course you will also need a program to convert the GCode into steps for the motors - but that is not so difficult. And I think the common 3D printer programs can take GCode directly. I believe there is a GCodeSender program that will send the GCode from a PC file to an Arduino.
If you have some different sequence of actions in mind you need to explain in more detail.