3G USB modem and USB Host 2.0 library, how to send AT commands?


I am working on interfacing a Huawei 3G USB modem with a Mega ADK using the USB Host 2.0 library.

I have run the Hub_Demo example and it works fine, telling me the USB device connected to the Mega is a Huawei device. So I know the USB host is working and in contact with the modem.

However, I have spent hours and hours trying to figure out how to communicate with the modem using AT-commands, but I cannot figure it out.

Anyone who can help me out, point me in the right direction, give some hints, or whatever, to help me move forward?


The developers of the USB host Library 2.0 library are on github so you may not get much help here.

If you give up on the USB option, you can try Adafruit 3G boards with UART interface.