3rd party library question

In the doc listed they say theres 3 ways to add these.

At the bottom they recommend 1 of the ways, but i cant tell if the easy add.zip is the method they recommend or not.

Also the other 2 ways, i cant get to work, as i cant find a single folder in the install files or the arduino folders made in the my documents folders that even have an existing library/example folder to drag stuff into.

What am i missing, window 10 os used.

The preferred way is to use the library manager. But not all libraries are "registered"; most of those are usually downloaded from github. In that case it's the easiest to use the Sketch → Include library → Add .ZIP Library.

3rd party libraries are in a subdirectory of the sketchbook directory. With a normal install, it will be C:\Users\yourUsername\Documents\Arduino\libraries.

Which version of the IDE are you using?

No, easiest way is unpack the archive to the library folder.

It's more risky in the sense that you have a step that can go wrong :wink:

Here's the version that I'm using took a picture of the details in The Help but the picture isn't showing up clearly it does say IDE 2.1.1

I did however find this today by going to the sketch show Library and then if I go back a bunch of folders before the temp and random naming stuff I see this

But doing a search in the Arduino15 folder that it sent me to I cannot find a single folder within news named example, so is this where I would put the unzipped folder package that is supposed to show up under examples in the file / examples tab.

I think I figured out the problem the tutorial that came with my compatible board I bought is using the IDE 1.6.5, I tried installing the 1.8 and now I'm able to use the libraries but instead of showing up under file sketch they're showing up under file example

Those are the "system" libraries and it's not intended for 3rd party libraries.

While you were using IDE 2.1.1, did you not find a libraries directory in C:\Users\yourUsername\Documents\Arduino\ ? Or in the sketchbook path that is set in file → preferences?

IDE 1.x and IDE 2.x don't differ from that perspective.

Your topic has been moved to the dedicated IDE 2.x section of the forum.

For the 1.8 IDE it was not in the documents as you mentioned I had to go into the program files x86 and find it somewhere in there, and I've noticed the 2. X is named Arduino15 in the install folders for some reason

Those are the system libraries; don't put 3rd party libraries in there.

IDE 1.x comes with the AVR board package pre-installed. That AVR board package lives indeed in the "Program Files" directory. But when you update the board package in 1.x, it will end up in the Arduino15 folder.

IDE 2.x only has the board packages in Arduino15.

The board package comes with some pre-installed Arduino libraries and that is why you find a libraries directory where you found it.

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