4-button state machine

I saw a serious lack of info about state machines..
A state machine for those who don't know is like the buttons on your digital watch.. when you press them in certain combination, you can change time, date, run a stopwatch, etc..
Here, I offer some sample code I was writing that seems to work well for me.
It's beta but should give you something good to start from. Any ideas where it can be improved, I would greatly appreciate your input!
This code uses about 5k of code space but some of that is wasted with sample serial output to see changes made.

/* 4-button state machine
 * This code is pre-set to allow sharing the button pins with a 4-byte LCD  
 * It has an example for how to modify different settings 
 * buttons are labeled as 'Main', 'Next', 'Prev', and 'Enter'
 * Main toggles between different options
 * Next and Prev increases or decreases the value of an option
 * and Enter allows you to switch between different levels of that option
 * IE minutes/hours or date/month/year

int mainbutton = 4;                  // button connected to digital pin 4]
boolean mainbuttonstate = false;//Indicate whether button is just pressed or was already pressed
long mainbuttonMillis = 0;      //last time button pressed
int mainstate=0;//indicate the current state in the main menu

int nextbutton=5;//button connected to digital pin 5
boolean nextbuttonstate=false;//incidate whether button is just pressed or was already pressed
long nextbuttonMillis=0;//last time button pressed

int prevbutton=6;//button connected to digital pin 6
boolean prevbuttonstate=false;//indicate whether button is just pressed or was already pressed
long prevbuttonMillis=0;

int entbutton = 7;                  // button connected to digital pin 2]
boolean entbuttonstate = false;//indicate whether button is just pressed or was already pressed
long entbuttonMillis = 0;      //last time button pressed
int entstate=0;//state of particular option (Ie minutes or hours,etc..)

long restoreMillis=0;//last time any button pressed - used to return to a normal operation when no buttons pressed after 5 seconds

int ontemp=10;//store some values that we can change
int offtemp=7;
int hour=12;
int minutes=24;
int date=8;
int month=8;
int year=8;
int debounce =50;//how many ms to consider a button as 'pressed'
void setup()
  pinMode(mainbutton,INPUT);//set our buttons as inputs
  Serial.begin(9600);//open serial port to allow us to monitor changes

void loop()
  // here is where you'd put code that needs to be running all the time.
  if(digitalRead(mainbutton)==LOW)//check if main button is pressed
    restoreMillis=millis();//set the restore counter
    if (mainbuttonMillis==0 )//see if button was just pressed
      mainbuttonMillis=millis();//if so, record the start of button press to measure debounce
      if((mainbuttonMillis+debounce)>millis())//if button already pressed, check if debounce is good
        if (mainbuttonstate==false)//if debounce is good..
          mainbuttonstate=true;//set state to good
          entstate=0;//reset the Enter button state, so you know what value you are editing
          mainstate++;//increment the main menu
          if(mainstate>5)//sets how many levels the main menu has
            mainstate=0;//if max level exceeded, revert to main level
          switch (mainstate)//do some action based on what state main level is.
          case 0:
          case 1:
            Serial.println("On Temp");
          case 2:
            Serial.println("Off Temp");
          case 3:
            Serial.println("Sensor Select");
          case 4:
            Serial.println("Time Set");
          case 5:
            Serial.println("Date Set");
    if(mainbuttonMillis!=0)//if button debounce occured and button is now released
      mainbuttonMillis=0;//reset counter to wait for another button press
      mainbuttonstate=false;//and set the button state to false
  if(digitalRead(nextbutton)==LOW)//see if next button is pressed
    restoreMillis=millis();//set the restore counter
    if (nextbuttonMillis==0 )//see if button was just pressed
      nextbuttonMillis=millis();//if so, record the start of button press to measure debounce
        if (nextbuttonstate==false)
          switch (mainstate)//do something based on which option we are editing
          case 0:
          case 1:
            Serial.print("On Temp=");
          case 2:
            if (offtemp>=ontemp)
            Serial.print("Off Temp=");
          case 3:
            Serial.println("Sensor Select");

continued below.....

          case 4:
            switch (entstate)
            case 0:
              if (hour<1)
            case 1:
              if (minutes<0)
            Serial.print("Time Set=");
          case 5:
            switch (entstate)
            case 0:
              if (date<1)
            case 1:
              if (month<1)
            case 2:
              if (year<0)
            Serial.println("Date Set=");
  if(digitalRead(entbutton)==LOW)//determine if enter button is pressed
    if (entbuttonMillis==0 )
        if (entbuttonstate==false)
          switch (mainstate)//determine how many levels the option has based on main state
          case 0:
            entstate=0;//if there are no levels, ignore button press..
          case 1:
            Serial.print("On Temp");
          case 2:
            Serial.print("Off Temp");
          case 3:
            Serial.print("Sensor Select=");
            if (entstate>2)//if more than one level, switch to next level
              entstate=0;//but don't exceed max level for that option
          case 4:
            Serial.print("Time Set");
            if (entstate>1)
          case 5:
            Serial.println("Date Set=");
            if (entstate>2)

  if(restoreMillis!=0)//if a button was pressed but released
    if((restoreMillis+5000)<millis())//wait 5 seconds and restore all options back to main level
      Serial.print("On Temp=");//show all values we may have edited..
      Serial.println(ontemp);//if these values were of some importance.. you could use this space to save them to RAM
      Serial.print("Off Temp=");//or do something based on the changes

I didn't fully comment as most of the code for the last 3 buttons is mirror of the first button.. use up less forum posts for same info..
enough comments you should be able to figure everything out though...

How to wire switches:
Use a 100k resistor from +5v to first pin of switch.. The same pin goes to the digital input and can be shared with an LCD output with a few changes to code (Change to input for each switch read and change back to output before issuing an LCD command)
Second pin of switch uses a 10k resistor to Gnd.
By doing this we are using a real weak pullup to 5v when switch is not pressed and a weak pulldown to ground when the switch is pressed... 10k wins when button is pressed, pulling the pin to ground.
when the Arduino needs to drive an output for the LCD it can easily overcome these weak pullup/pulldown resistors..
This saves you 4 pins that the Arduino is desperately lacking when using an LCD..