4 channel motor drive code

Hello, im trying to build up a robotic vehicle that moves based on the user need, the moving command will be sent through a TCP server, i've setup the server and attached a GSM shield to receive the required command, now im trying to write the c program for the motor drive and i need your opinion, it's a first sketch, i couldn't find a program for my shield, my shield is dagu 4 channel motor controller Dagu 4 Channel DC Motor Controller with Encoder Support for Rover 5 Chassis
the program i wrote is a testing program, based on it the vehicle should move forward for 10 secs then turn left for 1.2 secs then move backward for 5 secs and turn right, i need a confirmation on the code, i'll add the current overload function at the start, and replace the cases with the commands i am receiving, the vehicle is 4 wheels with 4 motors, anything i should add?

#define motorpin0 2 // Direction ch1 front right motor
#define motorpin1 3 // Direction ch2 front left motor
#define motorpin2 4 // Direction ch3 back right motor
#define motorpin3 7 // Direction ch4 back left motor
#define speedpin0 5 //Speed Ch1
#define speedpin1 6 //Speed Ch2
#define speedpin2 9 //Speed Ch3
#define speedpin3 10 //Speed Ch4
int count=0;

void setup() {
//the motor control wires are outputs
pinMode (motorpin0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorpin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorpin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorpin3, OUTPUT);
//PWM Pins are outputs
pinMode(speedpin0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(speedpin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(speedpin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(speedpin3, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
  switch (count)
    case 0: //forward
     case 1: //Turn right
    case 2: //backward
    delay (5000);
    case 3: //Turn left