4 channel relay In 2 not working properly

Good day guys!!... i jus want to ask on what is the problem with may 4 channel relay.... IN 2..

because this is what happen. when I try to switch it on the led light turns off but the problem is i can't here tick sound then if i plug any appliances in to it is always turn on ieven tough the light is on or off.....

but if i switch the IN 1, IN 3, and IN 4 then last the IN 2 then it works fine??

wha is the problem?

anything will be appreciated TYI :smiley:

up po nid help

Can you make a schematic? (NO Fritzing breadboard view, pen and paper drawing will do)
What is powering the relays? If the Arduino, what is powering the Arduino then?

up po nid help

It's a bit of an unwritten rule on the web that you wait 24 hours before kicking your post; give it time to go around the world.

if i plug any appliances in to it is always turn on ieven tough the light is on or off

Sounds like your relay contacts are sticking together. This can happen if the relay is faulty or you are passing too much current through the relay contacts. The clicking of the other relays could just dislodge the sticking relay.

It's a bit of an unwritten rule

And it's a written rule to use punctuated sentences made of real words, too. See #10 here.

up po nid help