4 channel RF receiver 2 channel RF transmitter?

I have been asked to build a remote-controlled on/off function for an air rade siren. My knowledge of RF communication is very limited. I do understand Arduino somewhat so the control of the DC motors on the sirens is not part of the problem. I have an "RX480-E" 4 channel 433MHZ receiver and a "GV706-G" 2 channel 433MHZ transmitter key fob type remote that use to control a relay driven garage door opener. When I try to pair the transmitter to the receiver. The receiver indicates it was successful, after that I'm not sure where to go.

Parts available:
Varius electronic components

I'll attach some photos and the section of code for the RF stuff

#include <RH_ASK.h>    //I'm using the Radio Head library
#include <SPI.h>     //I notest that when I use the SPI library the serial monitor won't work.

RH_ASK rf_driver;

//input from receiver
int data_0 = 11;
int data_1 = 10;
int led_0 = 13;       //if I can get the BUILTIN led to respond I can go from there.

void setup() {
  // initalize object
  //serial setup
  pinMode(data_0, INPUT);
  pinMode(data_1, INPUT);
  pinMode(led_1, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
    if (data_0 == HIGH)
        digitalWrite(led_0, HIGH);
         digitalWrite(led_0, LOW);

Transmit Receive (1).jpg

Transmit Receive (2).jpg

Transmit Receive (3).jpg

Transmit Receive (4).jpg

Transmit Receive (5).jpg

What does 4-channel and 2-chanel mean. Different frequencies? Different tone modulation? Different segments of the message for each channel? Without information about both and how to interface to the receiver and what voltages the receiver operates at, you are pretty much on your own.
