4 LCD/TFC screens on one Arduino?


So I'm thinking about a new project which requires 4 LCD/TFT screens (http://arduino.cc/en/Main/GTFT) to be controlled from a PC with Windows 7 based on a Delphi application. I want to be able to publish different images at the same time.

My questions:
Is it possible to hook 4 screens up to one Arduino UNO and display different data?
Does anyone have a link to a multiple screen project? Or can anyone tell me if this is a feasible idea?


I think you just need to instantiate several TFT library instances, using a separate
CS pin for each. All the other signals can be commoned I think, although I'm worried
that the reset pins might need to be separate too, otherwise initialising one display will
reset all the others. These screens are SPI so the MISO/MOSI/SCLK pins are designed
to be commoned.