4 Loops - LDR/LED Project


I am new to coding for Arduino and EE projects but have some experience in python so I understand most of what is going on. I am trying to create a code that will run individual loops for my breadboard. I have four LDR/LED circuits and my goal is to the LED light up if receiving a certain amount of light. I believe the best way about this is to run an individual loop so that is what direction I went with it. I think my I am receiving a redefinition of 'void loop' error but it is only being thrown on my third loop?

Any advice in general or response to my theory of code would be helpful.

//Light Tracker Coding

int firstLEDpin = 2; // 1stpin from VS LED is connected to
int secondLEDpin = 3; // 2nd pin from VS LED is connected to
int thirdLEDpin = 4; // 3rd pin from VS is connected to
int fourthLEDpin = 5; // 4th pin from VS is connected to

int lightSensorPin1 = A0; // PIN1 Light Sensor is connected to
int lightSensorPin2 = A1; // PIN1 Light Sensor is connected to
int lightSensorPin3 = A2; // PIN1 Light Sensor is connected to
int lightSensorPin4 = A3; // PIN1 Light Sensor is connected to
int analogValue = 0;

void setup() {
//Set pins to outputs
pinMode(firstLEDpin, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
analogValue = analogRead(lightSensorPin1); //If 1st pin has the greatest light
if(analogValue < 25){
digitalWrite(firstLEDpin, HIGH);
else if(analogValue >= 25 && analogValue <= 50){ //If 1nds pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(secondLEDpin, HIGH);
else if(analogValue >= 50 && analogValue <= 100){ //If 3rd pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(thirdLEDpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fourthLEDpin, HIGH); //If 4th pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(firstLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(secondLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(thirdLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(fourthLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
void loop(){
analogValue = analogRead(lightSensorPin2);
if(analogValue < 25){
digitalWrite(secondLEDpin, HIGH); //If 2nd pin has the greatest light
else if(analogValue >= 25 && analogValue <= 50){ //If 3rd pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(thirdLEDpin, HIGH);
else if(analogValue >= 50 && analogValue <= 100){ //If 4th pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(fourthLEDpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(firstLEDpin, HIGH); //If 1st pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(firstLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(secondLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(thirdLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(fourthLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
void loop(){
analogValue = analogRead(lightSensorPin3); //If 3rd pin has the greatest light
if(analogValue < 25){
digitalWrite(thirdLEDpin, HIGH);
else if(analogValue >= 25 && analogValue <= 50){ //If 4th pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(fourthLEDpin, HIGH);
else if(analogValue >= 50 && analogValue <= 100){ //If 1st pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(firstLEDpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(secondLEDpin, HIGH); //If 2nd pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(firstLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(secondLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(thirdLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(fourthLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
void loop(){
analogValue = analogRead(lightSensorPin4);
if(analogValue < 25){
digitalWrite(fourthLEDpin, HIGH); //If 4th pin has the greatest light
else if(analogValue >= 25 && analogValue <= 50){ //if 3rd pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(thirdLEDpin, HIGH);
else if(analogValue >= 50 && analogValue <= 100){ //if 2nd pin has the greatest light
digitalWrite(secondLEDpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(firstLEDpin, HIGH); //if 1st pin has the great light
digitalWrite(firstLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(secondLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(thirdLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF
digitalWrite(fourthLEDpin, LOW); //LED OFF

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Please remember to use code tags when posting code

You can't have multiple functions with the same name.

And you should not use delay() as it blocks the Arduino from doing other things.

Have a look at the demo Several Things at a Time


Try creating separate functions for the LDR/LED sets rather than using multiple void loops for the reasons stated.