i salvaged 5pcs of 4015 Shift Register from old Electronics today.
I wanted to use it together with my arduino to run 2 7 Segment 2 Digits Displays for a project im working on.
But i just dont understand how they work.
I have never used shift registers before and everything i can find about this topic is about the 74HC... Shift register.
The 4015 is missing the latch pin, thats why all the example codes dont work.
I have played around with it for a while today, my setup is ardunio+1 4015 + 4 LEDs.
I connected everything according to the Datasheet (Vdd, GND, Data, Reset) and i can even light the LEDs.
The problem is that i dont quite understand why which LED lights up.
I have tried different options like
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, "1-4")
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, "something like 1010/0001/111...");
and others
but i cant figure out the pattern, the result always seems so random.
i would expect the first led to light up when i enter 1000, or the second when i enter 0100?
sometimes it works, but with the next combination i.e. 0010 2 Leds light up and im like wtf :o .
so the question is which value addresses which output ?
hope someone can help