42V to 5v convertor

I have a 42V battery, and I want to power an Arduino from it. I would like to use a buck converter, but I'm having trouble finding a suitable solution.

On a 12V battery, I used an LM2596 3-40V DC-DC converter, and it worked perfectly. Is there a similar product available that can support a 42V input voltage?

First check the battery type and whether you will power the Arduino during charge or whatever . You need to know what the maximum voltage could be and add a safety margin. You need to specify total current you need too .
“Hobby “ convertors mainly use 2596 or similar which rated upto around 36v.
You might need to design something yourself or have a look at what is available from RS components etc

XL7015 based devices might be an answer

I see Ali lists some cheap ones but ….

When battery is fully charged it is 42v. So max voltage is 42v

Cheapest one I found is this: RDD08110S05 XP Power | Power Supplies - Board Mount | DigiKey

Railway application? I was wondering what 42V battery was used for. Closest standard I knew of was 48V for PSTN applications.

LM2596HV works to 60V

Right, but that's just a chip. Do you know of a prebuilt module that uses it?

LM2596HV-5 (input to 40V).
Despite its alluring seeming simplicity it's definitely not a just stick some 4-inch jumpers in a breadboard operation.
UMW LM2596_HV.pdf (digikey.com)

I didn’t know about the HV version, a google found this , but never seen a module before ( btw I’ve found a lot of these boards don’t work so well with high differential voltages as the designs are often “marginal” and you get a lot of ripple and heat ).
Better off making your own with better sized /quality parts IMO.

Those modules definitely need a bigger board (for a heatsink). With modest expectations they are fine, but for full spec they need help.

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I've had success with wall warts designed to reduce mains voltage to lower DC voltages feeding them with 50VDC. Consider this to be experimental, no guarantee it will work for you but worth trying.

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I use a "dead" 48vdc, 8amp-hour (was 14 amp-hour) e-bike battery with a 48v-to-5vdcUSB port... Neopixels last for up to two weeks, 24 hrs a day.

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