433 Mhz receiver with good range

I am looking for an 433 MHz receiver that has a range of about 20-25 m through a couple of walls. I want to be able to receive a signal from a 433MHz door/window sensor like this one on my arduino using the RCSwitch library.

I've tried the cheap ebay receivers, but they do not work for longer than 10 m even with an antenna.

My ninja-block receives the signal over the distance I need with no issue so I know it is possible.

Can someone suggest a better quality receiver that is available in the US? I think the encoding is ASK (but now I'm getting a little beyond the limits of my current knowledge).

Thank you.

Try these with antenna


Thank you.
But my door/window sensor uses 433 MHz, which is why I'm looking for a better receiver in that frequency range.

I use the Hope RFM22B units which have good range (I get 2 km line of sight and 800 m with a hill in the way) and are cheap. They are good for non line of sight applications too. You can get braekout boards from Sparkfun or modules off ebay or direct from Hope RF. There is an easy to use library at RF22: RF22 library for Arduino too.

This receiver worked easily over the distance I needed. It works with the rcswitch library
433MHz Superheterodyne 3400 RF Transmitter and Receiver link kit for Arduino

Thank you all for your suggestions.