433MHz receiver + Arduino


I have one 433MHz Transmitter Module and one 433MHz Radio Receiver Module.
I would like to control my arduino using radio remote controller.

To transmit I need one transmitter and one encoder.
To receive I need one receiver and do not need decoder, I have arduino.

How should I connect the receive output with arduino? Can I do it using serial port? If yes can I read the data with Serial.read() - is it so simple?
If not , how can I read the data?

It all depends on what your transmitter sends. You talk about an encoder how is this connected?
Some do use serial but others do not. Please look at the spec of your transmitter to see.

It all depends on what your transmitter sends. You talk about an encoder how is this connected?
Some do use serial but others do not. Please look at the spec of your transmitter to see.

I was thinking about HT12E > www.ipic.co.jp/Pdffiles/ht12e.pdf
It has 8 address pins and 4 data pins (for buttons for example) and has on output pin to transmitter.

My transmitter: TLP434A > HTTP 301 This page has been moved
My receiver: RLP434 > www.rfphone.com/files/rlp434.pdf

I can not find info what that transmitter sends and if I can use serial.

If I understand your question correctly you might want to investigate using VirtualWire to see if it meets your needs.


Those transmitters and receivers you posted the data sheets on are not compatible as they operate on different frequencies according to the data sheet. That's before you start getting into the encoding / decoding bit.
You are better off going for a pair that designed to work together. The both use ASF (audio shift keying) that's like the wobbly tone produced by early low speed modems. This limits the rate you can modulate them at (send information). Unfortunately the data sheets are not very good as they do not tell you about the audio frequency they use but assuming it is in the 3kHz region they you would be limited to 300 bauds or perhaps 1200 baud at the most.