433MHz receiver with RFXCOM


I'm using an Arduino Nano along with an RXB6 receiver to capture 433MHz signals. I've successfully tested it with both a motion sensor and a door sensor, and it's been working flawlessly.

However, I've encountered an issue when attempting to send signals from Domoticz using an RFXCOM device. Unfortunately, I'm not receiving any output on the serial monitor. Has anyone experienced this before and could provide some guidance on resolving this problem? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

look on the specifications for "modulation type". Some use on-off keying some use FM. Some may other methods.

Please post links to these things, or to the specific details.

If you are not receiving a signal, first make sure one is being transmitted.

I got it working using this code:

However, there appears to be an issue causing it to freeze the main loop. Any ideas on how to resolve this?

There are several "while()" loops embedded in loop(). Add a serial.Print() statements just before each of them so you can see if one of them is causing a problem.

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