I have two TX-5 433MHz modules and I have some questions about it:
- There is only one data pin-is it for the Tx or Rx?
- Can I provide 5V from the Arduino?
- Should I use straight or helix 25 cm long wire antennas?
I have two TX-5 433MHz modules and I have some questions about it:
Can you provide a little more information about our modules?
TX-5 would indicate that it is a transmitting module. The data pin would be for transmit Tx.
You can provide the 5v from the Arduino. Most transmitters are specified up to 12 v, and will get better range if you power the transmitter with higher voltage, but you would need some documentation on the module to verify that.
For an antenna, just use a piece of straight wire, 16-17 cm long.
cattledog answered your questions well.
I just want to say that you also need a receiver and a good library (VirtualWire or RadioHead).
I want to establish a two-way connection b/w my Arduinos with 433 MHz modules. How do I do it and which modules should I use?
I suggest to use a transceiver.
Select one here : Wireless Buying Guide - SparkFun Electronics
The XBee are good quality, also Adafruit has them : Wireless, XBee Products Category on Adafruit Industries
Also have a look at RadioHead to see if it is supported : RadioHead: RadioHead Packet Radio library for embedded microprocessors
The RF(M)22(b) is a normal transceiver, or check Ebay for CC1101.
The nRF24L01+ operates at 2.4GHz, and many libraries has been made for it. Someone even managed to transmit audio with it : GitHub - nRF24/RF24Audio: Arduino library for streaming data/audio from analog inputs via NRF24L01 modules.
What is the average range of the 2.4 GHz transceiver modules? Can I connect 25cm helix antennas to them? Are these antennas necessary to increase their range?
Antennas are always necessary, they can be straight wires, helix antennas, printed on the pcb, or ceramic chip antenna.
The nRF24L01+ modules comes in a few flavours: with pcb antenna, with ceramic chip antenna and with a antenna connector for a small antenna.
The range depends on where you buy the module, it depends on the antenna and also on the datarate.
On Ebay the modules are 1 dollar and are all counterfeit : Nordic NRF24L01+ – Real Vs Fake | Hackaday
This is a module that needs an antenna : SparkFun Transceiver Breakout - nRF24L01+ (RP-SMA) - WRL-00705 - SparkFun Electronics
This is with a ceramic chip antenna : SparkFun Transceiver Breakout - nRF24L01+ - WRL-00691 - SparkFun Electronics
How about HC 05 and 06? What is their range? How can I increase their range?
HC05 and 06 are Bluetooth Modules with integrated microstrip antennas.
Typical range is around 10 metres.
Very difficult to increase the range.
Okay. Now I have decided to work with the 2.4GHz modules. Hoping that the golden wave like structure is the integrated antenna, can I solder a 25cm Helix wire antenna to it to increase it's range? If it increases what will be the range?
No. The copper trace on the board is calculated to perfection. Anything else will disturb it. Here is information about it : PCB Antenna Reference Designs | Hackaday
So where should I attach the helix antenna? Can it be shown in a picture?
You could have a look at these.
They have provision for an external antenna, but you will need one with a mating RF connector and also designed for the frequency.
I have normal ones. What do I do with them? Can I attach it at red or blue in the pic attached?
You can not add an antenna to that. That is already a tuned and calculated antenna. Adding something to it will make it work worse.
Then what should I do to increase the modules range??????????????
Buy another module with antenna connector and with the special antenna for that frequency.
Come on what do I do with the existing modules? Even the antenna ones are expensive...!!
Okay I am buying 16 Dbi antennas and I shall remove the integrated one to attach this. Would it be fine and what be the range?
I think buying antennas and sockets will be more expensive than buying ready made modules.
AND a lot more work, but its up to you.
The pcb antenna types are so cheap, just save them for future procjects,
i.e. a device to monitor your traffic, the medium, whatever...