434mhz rf receiver used near motors stops receiving when motors are activated

I have a transmitter circuit connected to a joystick that sends over values to the receiver. The receiver then feeds the values into an arduino, that then controls the 4 motors based on the values.

I had noticed that receiving gets a bit sloppy while the motors are running. Thinking this was because of sudden voltage change, I put a 100uf capacitor between gnd and vcc of the receiver to smooth out any interference with the receiver.

This improved things, since now communication doesn't completely cut off with running motors. However it is still noticeably sloppy. Any ideas on how to completely eliminate this problem?

If you need any clarifactions on the question please ask!
Receiver picture:

(notice the capacitor in front of the green receiver)
All the electrical components are shown in this picture, but not the connections.

I would try EMI suppression at the motor. Some ideas:

  1. 0.1 uF ceramic capacitor across the motor leads.
  2. Twisted pair wiring to the motor
  3. Ferrite choke on the cable to the motor at the motor end.

Your photo shows two batteries. How are these being used in the circuit, e.g. one for the motor, one for the Arduino? A sketch of the circuit would be helpful.

That RC Receiver is crap. Use a RXB8 with a proper antenna instead. The difference is huge.

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That is correct, I will try adding a 0.1uf capacitor and reply with the results...

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