4794 LED Driver not working...

Hey everybody,

I got a 4794 LED Driver, and attempted to drive 8 LEDs with it using this: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/LEDDriver

Unfortunately, this has failed to work. And I have no idea why. I've checked all of the connections many times, they're all in the right places.

I do have some questions about the code though, why is it serialWrite(13); instead of Serial.write(13);

You don't give us much to go on, such as a schematic or a photo. All I can say is that you have wired it up wrong but that's not much help is it.

Check the power and the ground, just wire up one LED to start with, is that the right way round, have you proved it.

As to the code question you can call a routine anything you want, and thats what the writers decided to call it in this language.

In what way is your LED driver not working?

Hey sorry for the vagueness guys.

It turns out I bought a defective chip. I got a new one and it worked well.

Thanks for you help though!