Hello i have a small problem. I have a incoming 48v power but sometimes it can go up to 50v DC unregulated power. Butnit outputs clean 24v DC power. I was trying to figure out a way to put a 12v switch i have here to turn off and on thenmain 48v DC. I know i can put it on the 24v side. But my goal is to turn on and off the main 48v DC side. Later on i want to do a remote power as well. But for now i need to get a hard power switch in. Any idea's on what i can use that is cheap and small enough?
go to the hardware store and get a wall switch rated for 120v. I think you can get one rated for 15A for about $1.50. You didn't mention the current only the voltage. Also as your components require higher voltage and current they will cost more.
HAHA I was thinking of going to the hardware store.
4 Amps is the max on the 48v power. Sorry i forgot about the current part.
Hardware store switch probably isn’t rated for DC power (only AC) the contacts need to be beefier for DC...
Question for the poster, what is this for?
If you're going to remote a switch in, perhaps you should be looking at that option
The wallswitch will work for a while and maybe longer... there are issues with AC vs DC... not just current but contact life and wiping... If you're running 15A 120V AC it is still a lot of current and should be able to handle 48VDC @ 4A. Is it good practice? No. but it will get you up and running quickly and safely. If it fails it will be from contacts becoming intermittent because they are not designed to wipe like DC ones. But for switching a power supply this shouldn't be a problem. Actually my hardware store has 15A switches for $0.69.
BTW - what is the source of the 48V DC?
It depends on what reliability/compliance op needs. Giving him wrong advice is poor form, imo.
Ok if you’re really that concerned use a 30 amp or better AC switch. There’s a 8:1 factor when using ac components for DC. But the 15 amp will be fine. Everything is built with a safety factor.