I found a tutorial online for a 4X4 matrix. So I built it and all my LEDs are wired properly. Here is the link. http://minipenguin.com/?p=107
I think there may be an issue with the code. I think I have it wired correctly to the arduino. Anodes in rows and cathodes in columns. The diagram is staright forward. Anyways when I upload the code it works with no errors but only 4 of my LEDs are lit and it does nothing past that. In the code there is Serial.begin(baudRate); Serial.println("Commands: on, off, auto, happy, sad, spin, wipe, bigchecker, smallchecker");
However when I open serial monitor, nothing is there. Can someone please take a look at the project and code and see if anything is wrong? This is my first built LED matrix and really want to get it going soon. Thanks.
P.S. I have the Arduino Uno R3 board.(If that makes a difference)
According to the sketch the anode pins are 11, 9, 7, 5 and the cathode pins are 10, 8, 6, 4. The photo is how I have it wired. Yellow wires are cathode and orange are anode. I just really want to get it working. Thanks for your time.
Sure. I am fairly confident my wiring is correct because I tested each row and column and all LEDs light accordingly. The resistors are in my breadboard. Orange wires go to one side of them. Then other side of resistors go to arduino. Individually of course.