5-12V Relay controlling 220VAC ~1A max

I'm planning to install such relays to control electrical devices in my house.

I have found this relay module in ebay, and searched for SRD-05VDC-SL-C. Found its datasheet, and it consumes 0.45W which is way too much if I want the batteries to hold for a while.
I read this thread: How do I control an AC powered device with my Arduino Uno ? - Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC - Arduino Forum and saw references for solid state relays. Never heard of them, would they be a better option? My requirements are:

  1. Be small as possible (Hopefully enough to fit behind the power outlet).
  2. Low power consumption, so I don't have to replace the batteries every week or so.

I'm not planning to control any big currents, a 1-2A RMS current would be the highest needed.

Can anyone point me to such relays I could buy online?

A SSR is a good choice for many applications. For your application:
POSITIVE: it requires little DC power
NEGATIVE: it costs a little more, its size is generally not real small.

There are two kind of SSRs. One to control DC, and one to control AC. Your specs indicate you need the AC version.

To find an SSR, try googling "SSR AC". Or on ebay search for that.

Warning: working with 220VAC can be dangerous.