5.79 inch e-paper display -software library?

Does anyone know of a software library that will work with the new 5.79 inc e-paper displays from Waveshare or Good Displays (https://www.waveshare.com/product/displays/e-paper/epaper-1/5.79inch-e-paper-module-b.htm)?

GxEPD2 doesn't support this display and I cannot make head or tail of the Waveshare 'example' as it's so basic.


I have been using the GxEPD library getting used to the differences needed for the EPD displays.

I suggest you look through the EPD board definition files ( mine was GxEPD2_270.cpp and GxEPD2_270.h) . Pick one as close to yours as you can find and create another with your display dimensions. I've not had to do this myself but I think its worth a shot.

You might ask the question " what has to change to modify the dimensions of a display". In the documentation the author would need a sample of the display to add a new display.

Does Waveshare know how many colors this display has?

See 5.79-inch four-color e-paper display high-resolution, GDEY0579F51_Good Display (good-display.com)

  • Driver IC: HX8717*2

Is also used by

//#define GxEPD2_DRIVER_CLASS GxEPD2_420c_GDEY0420F51 // GDEY0420F51 400x300, HX8717 (no inking)

But there are two controllers used here, which makes it more complicated.

Yes, Waveshare knows. I didn't look far down enough:
5.79 inch e-paper display red EPD 792x272 SPI e-ink, GDEY0579Z93_Good Display (good-display.com)

Drive IC: SSD1683

Looks like also two of those are used.

... and there is even a b/w version:
5.79 inch e-ink display 792x272 SPI Monochrome EPD, GDEY0579T93_Good Display (good-display.com)

They need a specific connection module:
Epaper HAT Connection Adapter Board for 5.79 inch E Ink Display (buy-lcd.com)

But interestingly they don't have separate CS pins for the master and slave controllers.

A quick look at the Good Display demo code shows that the two controllers use different methods to route graphics data to the master controller or slave controller memory.

  • the HX8717 uses command 0xA2 as preamble for command 0x10 to select where to load the data
  • the SSD1683 uses a separate set of windows addressing commands for the slave, and to write image to RAM (0xA4)

The memory addressing of the slave controller of the SSD1683 seems to complicate the driver code, at least the Good Display demos look so. Maybe it could be cleaned up a bit.

I consider adding these three displays to GxEPD2, but don't know when.

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I have attempted to create a new definition file but I can't work out how to get the new definition files linked to the main programme.
TBH I think this is all way outside my coding capabilities :slight_smile: I shall just have to put this display aside until others with more skill than me can add it.
@ZinggJM I shall keep an eye on your changelog for when (if) you find the time to add it :slight_smile:
Thanks all

It is currently available in the work_in_progress branch.

Oh amazing! Thanks.