5 Hours Later.... A little help please?!

I've been trying for 5 hours to write a simple sketch. Would someone with more know-how mind writing one for me?

My laptop, Bluesmirf, and Arduino Uno are all on the verge of destruction out of sheer frustration.

The sketch that I've been trying to come up with has a very simple function, but for the life of me I can't get anything to work.

I'm trying to basically send a serial command of "A", and using serial.read to find "A", to output pin 9 to HIGH and set pin 10 to LOW, as well as sending a serial command of "B" to output pin 10 to HIGH and setting pin 9 to LOW, then looping indefinitely.

All documentation for the Arduino is convoluted at best and I've wasted my whole afternoon attempting this. Is there anyone that can whip up a quick sketch for this?

Post the code you have, even if it doesn't work.
We can correct your errors, but we don't write code without payment.
Just a suggestion, though...have you put in Serial.print statements to check what you're receiving?

I've been trying for 5 hours

Only five hours!

All documentation for the Arduino is convoluted at best

The documentation is about as simple as it gets!


Read this


// DATE: MAY 2, 2012
// CONTACT: techbitar at gmail dot com

char INBYTE;
int  LED = 13; // LED on pin 13

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  Serial.println("Press 1 to turn Arduino pin 13 LED ON or 0 to turn it OFF:");
  while (!Serial.available());   // stay here so long as COM port is empty   
  INBYTE = Serial.read();        // read next available byte
  if( INBYTE == '0' ) digitalWrite(LED, LOW);  // if it's a 0 (zero) tun LED off
  if( INBYTE == '1' ) digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // if it's a 1 (one) turn LED on