Thanks for any help.
Have one of the five LED lights turn on and then off (i.e. blink) randomly. This is to be repeated 25 times before stopping.
What is wrong with my code?
// Declare pin names
int light_one = 1;
int light_two = 2;
int light_three = 3;
int light_four = 4;
int light_five = 5;
int light;
int t_delay;
void setup(){
//Serial.begin(9600); // Uncomment this if you want to print things, otherwise it doens't matter
// Initialize Lights -
//The numbers correspond to the switch that the lights are connected to (change based on your config)
pinMode(light_one, OUTPUT);
pinMode(light_two, OUTPUT);
pinMode(light_three, OUTPUT);
pinMode(light_four, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ligth_five, OUTPUT);
// Program continually loops
void loop(){
// this is really easy if you have them in pins 1 thru 4 because you can just generate a random in in that space
light = random(1,5);
// If statement isn't necessary if pins are 1-4, however, if arbitrary pins (4,6,8,13) etc.. then just
// re-assign the digitalOutput pin number to the pin/light it's connected to
if(light == 1){
digitalOutput(light_one, HIGH);
else if(light == 2){
digitalOutput(light_two, HIGH);
else if(light == 3){
digitalOutput(light_three, HIGH);
else if(light == 4){
digitalOutput(light_four, HIGH);
else if(light == 5){
digitalOutput(light_five, HIGH);
// randomize how long the lights are on for between 3 to 6 seconds
t_delay = random(3000, 6000);
// Turn off all lights
// Change the numbers to the corresponidng pin outputs
digitalOutput(light_one, LOW);
digitalOutput(light_two, LOW);
digitalOutput(light_three, LOW);
digitalOutput(light_four, LOW);
digitalOutput(light_five, LOW);