Hello all,
I ran the calibration sketch for my RA8875 on my Adafruit touch screen (PRODUCT ID: 1596) and when I run it, the cursor doesn't go all the way up to the top left and right corner so I am getting readings like this from the serial monitor:
Hello, RA8875!
Found RA8875
Enabled the touch screen
Starting the calibration process
Touch: 516, 554
Touch: 144, 181
Point 1 - LCD X: 80 Y: 48 TS X: 144 Y: 181
Touch: 513, 871
Point 2 - LCD X: 400 Y: 432 TS X: 513 Y: 871
Touch: 896, 524
Point 3 - LCD X: 720 Y: 240 TS X: 896 Y: 524
What can I modify to ensure that the screen is set correctly?
I am creating images to put on the LCD so when my son touches the images, a code (not sure what I will use for this) so it speaks out for him.
If the images are on the LCD and his touch is not within certain parameters, it could possibly not detect his touch and miss it.
Thanks in advance for any guidance on what to modify.