$50 (Simple Project)

"If it's so simple, why don't you just do it yourself?!"

Well, I've tried :slight_smile: unfortunately I need this ready for a Halloween thing so I don't really have much time to dilly dally with my rather beginner (albeit improving) Arduino skills.

I need: to receive a notification on my phone every time two wires touch (circuit closed). That's it, really.

Need it done by Halloween. $50 USD payment via PayPal.


And what equipment do you have? How will that be powered?

Ah, I have an Arduino Uno, an HC-05 module, and plenty of assorted components- as far as I understand what is required for this sort of thing I think I have everything.

Should've specified- needs to be battery-powered.

Thanks for asking.

I need: to receive a notification

Text message? Vibration? Big burst of smoke and flames?

every time two wires touch (circuit closed).

440 V three phase AC?

$50 would cover a little bit of my time writing the code. It would NOT cover the cost of hardware needed to emulate your undefined environment.

Ah, I have an Arduino Uno, an HC-05 module, and plenty of assorted components- as far as I understand what is required for this sort of thing I think I have everything.

So, your phone will be paired to the bluetooth device AND running the necessary application? Which application is it?

Should've specified- needs to be battery-powered.

For 10 minutes? 10 hours? 10 years?

If you are getting the impression that it maybe isn't all that simple, you are correct.

How do you want to send an SMS with just the bluetooth module? will you have always a telephone nearby, connected through bluetooth and with a program running that will send the SMS for you?
(something like BlueAct Action based framework if your phone is Android would make that not terribly difficult - but you need a dedicated phone within reach of the bluetooth signal for that)

Also note that BlueAct or any similar app is somewhat a risk you take because those apps from random developers can be used in your phone to send any SMS to any number... so can be hacked to send SMS to overpriced SMS services and you end up paying an hefty bill... I don't know BlueAct, so use at your own risk... (best is to stay in control of the whole stack)

The hardware you have is insufficient for what you want to do.

What can you do now?

Use an old PC or a Raspberry pi and get a Twilio or similar account to send SMS is by far the simplest and might even be done with $50 for a very, very minimal implementation. ISTR you can also do it for free if you have an AT&T account, so you wouldn't need to sign up for Twilio.

This is by far the simplest way. I have a post on how to read a switch input into your PC linked here.
All you need is a PC with a serial port. Don't have one? Use a USB to serial cable: it works just as well to read a single pushbutton. With a few lines of code, you can read the on/off state of the pushbutton and then send an email to the server that will then send you the SMS.

Of course, you do need a PC within wiring distance of your switch.

Alternately, you will need a GSM card for your Arduino to send SMS directly.

If you can handle other messaging, one way to do this by bluetooth is to advertise the signal in the "friendly" name, so when the input is received, the Bluetooth advertised device changes. e.g., from HC-05-01 (or whatever) to HC-05-ACTIVE. You'll probably have to write a small app to monitor the device and alert you

I appreciate your help :slight_smile:

I can do it 2 way:
SMS or
by wi-fi(web page)

But you don't have ethernet shield of sim-900 module.....((((

still want it, email - nishant(attherate)winacro(doot) com

Most people don't realize you can send an SMS to an email address, and vice-versa. I've found this is much easier to implement than fooling with SMS services.

You would need an Ethernet shield or WiFi. Get your phone's SMS "email address" by sending a text to your real email (it will probably be 555-123-4586@phonecarrier.com). Use SMTP2Go or something to send an email from Arduino to your phone's SMS email (when your contacts close). Done.

Just one way to do it. I'm sure these other gentlemen will offer you much more complex and elegant solutions.

Actually, I said as much back in post #7

You could run an android app to connect to the bluetooth, and have that app listen and vibrate or bing when it gets a '*' or something. This, however, means writing an android app.

You could have a second arduino and bluetooth module in your pocket, and have the two modules talk to one another.

You could have the doorbell send an SMS. This means a phone module, a SIM card, and putting up with whatever delays your phone company imposes on SMSs.

You could have the doorbell talk over Wi-Fi. You could have the sketch generate a auto-refresh web page and then you could open that page on your phone, causing your phone to poll the doorbell every few seconds. The web page would have to notify you somehow - playing a sound maybe. Not sure how to make a web page do that.


You could purchase a wireless doorbell and hack it up a bit. Honestly, that's probably your only option of you want this for < $50.

Oh - a baby monitor might also do the job.