I have been searching for information about using long cables (6-8 meter) between a controller and a set of 595 shift registers, but have not found any info.
I'm currently testing a 6 meter cable (4 x 2 twisted pairs) and it it work most of the time. Each time I update the 595's I start with clearing the them (^SRCLR).
What I want to know if I need pull-ups and/or pull-down resistors on the input pins on the 595? And if yes, what is the guidelines for choosing the proper resistor value?
A quick way is to use CAN drivers, these chips were never meant to be on the end of a long wire. This will give you the capability of very long cables in a noisy environment. Remember the 120 Ohm terminators. On the transmitter side set it to transmit (always on) and the receive side always enables. You will need 1 pair for each signal. There are a lot of other drivers that will also work, depending on what you have access to.
At least double the data frequency you are using.
I'm using shiftOut but have no idea what the data frequency is. The documentation does not say anything about it and I have not found any info on internet.
The shiftOut() function is pretty slow, and you have no control over its speed. Maybe think about using the SPI pins and library. At least then you can specify the frequency.
With SPI.transfer() and 328P type Arduino, you can use 8 MHz clock. Way faster than shiftOut().
Or 4 MHz, the default speed.
Then 2 MHz, 1 MHz, 512K, 256K, 128K, and I think 64K the slowest.
But there must be a theoretical upper limit for the speed when using shiftOut?
No. It is a software function, code. So it's speed depends on the speed of the MCU running it, its architecture and so on. Uno and Nano will produce the same frequency but Mega may be different, possibly slower, even though that also runs at 16MHz CPU clock. Due, Zero, ESP8266, ESP32, other boards based on chips with faster clock speeds will run shiftOut() at different frequencies, probably much higher than Uno.
My guess would be that on Uno and similar 16MHz boards, shiftOut() frequency will be in the region of the slowest SPI frequencies, perhaps 64-128KHz.
If you have access to a 'scope, please measure the frequency and post it here, along with the specs of the Arduino used to produce it.
Thanks, but are you sure you are measuring that correctly? What bit pattern is being sent? (I would suggest 0b10101010.) Might be better to measure from rising edge to rising edge, over several cycles.
Thanks, but are you sure you are measuring that correctly? What bit pattern is being sent? (I would suggest 0b10101010.) Might be better to measure from rising edge to rising edge, over several cycles.
The yellow signal is the clock. So I think I have measured correctly, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Then I think you should measure rising-edge to rising-edge. That's 1 complete clock cycle, 1 bit sent. You seem to be measuring rising-edge to falling-edge, which in theory is half a cycle, but looks less than that to my eye.
Since the duty is not 50% OP needs to measure the shortest interval when designing a low pass filter. The clock speed is not interesting here. The low pass filter must not remove the HIGH pulse.
Sounds like good advice Smajdalf. But also it would be interesting to know the clock frequency and data rate, although that will only apply to Mega, even Uno will be a little different.