5G connectivity & data streaming

Is there an existing mobile network hat for the Arduino that would support streaming data? Is one of them 5G compatible? I am looking to interface a fleet of 100 or more Arduinos in as small a form factor as possible to stream data and receive commands to/from a central hub.

As far as I understood, something like LoRa limits both payload size and sending interval—so streaming continuous data would become impossible very quickly? (That the reason for the mobile network route.)

How would streaming data be handled, both over 5G, 4G or any other network ? Can an Arduino even do that? Or is limited to providing a REST endpoint that has to be queried by another device, sending a periodic GET to another device?

As far as I understood, something like LoRa limits both payload size and sending interval—so streaming continuous data would become impossible very quickly? (That the reason for the mobile network route.)

You do missunderstand.

LoRa devices have a limit on packet size, 255 bytes, but limits on 'packet' sizes are common in radio devices. Even Ethernet systems apply limits to packet size. Data is streamed as a series of small packets.

The allowed (as in legal) sending interval despends on the band you are operating in and where in the World you are.

Perhaps explain what the project actually is, and in particlar how much data you are moving and how fast you are needing to move it and how far (distance) you need to move it.

What is the application?
What streaming data will you be expecting the Arduino controller to process?
What data rate will you be expecting the Arduino to operate at?

Sorry but 5G is so new and not necessarily available in all mobile phone networks, Arduino shield with 5G at the moment would be a very rare item.

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

The data is mostly GPS (RTK) locations in one direction and an output percentage for an attached light in the other direction, coordinated from a central server. The idea is that lights dim and switch on (fading smoothly) automatically when another device comes near. For example, when devices are less than 50m from each other, lights start turning on with a full 100% output being hit once they get as close as 5m. All of this pretty much continuously for an entire night across a couple of kilometers.

Of course some sort of smoothing will be applied, but since any flickering would be quite visible, the latency needs to be somewhere in the ms, especially since closing speeds of devices might hit up to 150km/h.

If you want suggestions for possible solutions, I would suggest you need to provide a fuller description of the project.

For example, when devices are less than 50m from each other, lights start turning on with a full 100% output being hit once they get as close as 5m. All of this pretty much continuously for an entire night across a couple of kilometers.

Suppose you have 100 devices and suppose there is a central hub that they can all communicate with .....

How do you envisage any specific pair of devices finding out how far apart they are?

If there are 100 devices that would would mean a great number of pairs (I can't think how to calculate the number)

From another point of view, what will the devices be attached to and how fast will they be moving?

My first thought is that this is a project that won't scale.


" since closing speeds of devices might hit up to 150km/h."

Sounds like a "swarm of drones" project. You might need to study how others appear to control large numbers of drones to start with. If you need info on cell phone projects. you might use the forum search function for "sim card" and similar terms. Recently there was a project posted that is trying to connect with a large number of units in a wooded area at a similar range using lora communications that you might want to follow. Your project is going to be complex. Start with a base unit and a remote unit first as a proof of concept validation.

" since closing speeds of devices might hit up to 150km/h."

Oops - I missed that. I had in mind that the project with 100 devices would be difficult at walking speeds.

I doubt if GPS would update fast enough to avoid collisions between even 2 devices (never mind 100) at a closing speed of 42 m/sec. And that's without thinking of the additional latency in a communication system. Wireless can never be assumed to be 100% reliable.

I suspect some very sophisticated radar would be essential.
