5V from USB on Nano 3.0

I need to draw some current from USB through an Arduino Nano to power some external stuff (about 100mA). Problem is that it needs to be very close to 5V and the Nano has a diode between the USB+ and the 5V pin that drops the voltage to 4.6-4.7V. I'm thinking about replacing the diode with a wire but I'd like to ask if there's a good reason I shouldn't do that... This Arduino will never be powered from anything but USB.

I need to draw some current from USB through an Arduino Nano to power some external stuff (about 100mA). Problem is that it needs to be very close to 5V and the Nano has a diode between the USB+ and the 5V pin that drops the voltage to 4.6-4.7V. I'm thinking about replacing the diode with a wire but I'd like to ask if there's a good reason I shouldn't do that... This Arduino will never be powered from anything but USB.

Are you willing to risk possible damage to what ever is on the other end of the USB connection?

The Diode just keeps externally supplied Vin/5V from back feeding into the PC.
If the USB is the sole power source, the diode can be jumpered across and not hurt anything.

@zoomkat: No, I'm not willing to risk damage to my computer (OTOH I'm willing to risk damage to the Arduino). I'm posting because I don't really see any way for this to damage my computer, considering the Nano will stay in the project forever and will never receive any other kind of power. But then again I'd like to know if someone sees any way this could damage the computer.

@CrossRoads: thanks, jumpering might be a better idea indeed.

Let me add more details to what I'm doing. I'm powering a VASD1-S5-D15-SIP 5V to 15V DC/DC converter (it's minimum voltage is 4.5V and under load it gets very close to that, which is why I want the diode gone), which in turns powers a pair of 7810/7910 regulators, which power a smart sensor that requires a split supply and an external ADC (decoupling caps/resistors and other details ommitted).

The PC only supplies 500mA of current. Check your overall load.
Other boards have a 500mA PTC/resettable fuse between USB connector and the rest of the board, the Nano does not.

Measured 70mA + whatever the Arduino draws. Already jumpered the diode, still haven't tested with the sensor but everything else seems to be working OK.

Ok, so you've got a nice margin of current for the rest then.