i want to connect MayhewLabs Rotary Encoder LED Ring (blue)
to arduino DUE,
i have tried and connect the VCC to 3.3 volts... its sorts of working but not perfect
Is i have read in user guide the rotary encoder LED ring needs at least 3.6 volt or more...
Now, how could i do this?
Could i connect to 5Volts with an resistor or voltage regulator?](http://mayhewlabs.com/media/Rotary%20Encoder%20LED%20Ring%20User%20Guide.pdf)
Is it decoding the rotary encoder or the leds that are not working?
After a quick reading of the datasheet it seems as it should work, but the blue leds will be very dim, especially if many of them are lit up.
Looks like you need more voltage. 5 volts should be good (if it provides enough current).
Be careful if you supply the device with >3v3. The Due is not 5V tolerant so you need to make sure the encoder doesn't output >3v3. If so, you'll probably need to use voltage dividers.
Thanks James, for the fast info. I am of course not an expert on a lot of things, so I did not know that. Now I do.