6-axis accelerometer PS3 pinout

does anny body know the 6-axis accelerometer PS3 pinout
its was one of the first serie's becaus I bought the first (PS3 60gb) that came out

it has four pins.
2 are quit obvious (red & black)
but there are 2 data pins
and 3 axis if i'm right...


The two non-power lines are probably I2C SCLK and SDA or something similar.

Enlighten Me!

I really don't know how to connect and/or talk to device's over I2C.

power should be 3v since battery is 3.7v :stuck_out_tongue:

Annybody ?

I would love to (be able to) use this little gadget but i need help :slight_smile:

BTW, it's probably a three axis accelerometer - I've never heard of a six axis one.

LOL i know :smiley: the controller is named six axis :smiley:

And thank btw :slight_smile:

Any chance of a higher res photo? is there any part no's on the chip?

there's only a number on the chip "C710"
thats it.