6 lug rotary switch

I need help with a rotary switch question.I have a 21 volt belt light that has a 5 click switch.the old switch is bad,so i bought a new one but it does not have resistors on the lugs or post, so what type of resistors would go on it, there were black ones on it but the numbers are gone. also does it matter in what order they are put back on .I am a body man paint and so on, electronics i know very little about.Also at the end of the resistor is a round tan diode or something.thanks

Please show us some pictures. We can't even begin to guess what you're on about, as we don't have one of these "21 volt belt light" things you mention, nor have any clue what might have been in this mystery "5 click switch".

Please show us some pictures. We can't even begin to guess what you're on about, as we don't have one of these "21 volt belt light" things you mention, nor have any clue what might have been in this mystery "5 click switch".

This may help click on to google and type in[ 21 volt belt light-viola valley hunting supply] Now this will show you the rotary 6 position click switch. [www.grayhill.com/assets/1/7/rotary_24.pdf] now single deck rotary switch will appear. All the click switch does is increase the voltage going to the bulb, 5 settings, without the resistors on the switch i will only have one setting high.first position 4 volts 2nd 8, 3rd 12, 4 16v ,5th19 volts.so what i was really asking was what ohm resistor do i need to start off with and end with.the new switch didnt come with any.[p.s. i may have found a switch from another company that has one with resistors.I will be stuck with the other one.thanks anyway for the reply.

I'm sorry, but that tells me absolutely nothing.

Pictures. Of the insides of your old switch, so we can see the resistors and advise you accordingly.

Until we get something at least as good as that, then we cannot help you.

A getleman on ukc board knew what i needed all he ask was what voltage it had on first click and last click of the switch.now all i need to do is delete this.

That's probably because he had a clue what the device was. You were lucky.