7 Segment Count Down Timer Project


I am new to programing arduinos. I have used arduinos for projects but used pre made sketches made by others and tweaked them very little. I am looking for help and someone to explain how to write a code for a project i am trying to make happen.

Project is a Countdown timer. Time is set to 02:00 mins and when the start button gets pressed it begins counting down to 00:00. The timer would stop when the stop button is pressed and after the time is stopped, pressing the reset button would reset the time to 02:00 mins to wait for the start button to be pressed again. I am looking at using 4x 7 segment displays by Sparkfun listed below with their large digit driver board

7 Segment Display - 7-Segment Display - 6.5" (Red) - COM-08530 - SparkFun Electronics
Large Digit Driver Board - SparkFun Large Digit Driver - WIG-13279 - SparkFun Electronics

1. Do you have an Arduino UNO or Arduino NANO?
2. Do you have two push type Buttons?
3. Do you have a Breadboard?
4. Do you have enough jumper wires?
5. Have you purchased that Large Display Unit?

I have a Arduino Uno, I have 3 push buttons, I have a couple breadboards, I have jumper wires. I just ordered the large display unit last night.

Thank you very much for the reply. While you are waiting for the display unit to receive, you may down load data sheets for the TPIC6C596 chip and study it. This is the chip (74HC595 + DMOS drivers) that has een used in the Driver Circuit of the Large Display Unit you have ordered.
tpic6c596.pdf (817.4 KB)