7 Segment Display board with Max7219CWG

Hello, I have this Green board with detachable displays, I am trying to use this in my project but as the displays do not fit all together I decided to detach the displays and connect the displays by wires doing this I am extending the displays and can use it separately.

When the board is connected to my Mega, show 12345678 in sequence, but when I connect with wires there is errors the digits does not show the numbers anymore.

I check the connections, the wires and the breadboard with multimeter and all is working well.

Have you tried to connect the top row of the PCB with the top row of the LEDs and the bottom row of the PCB with the bottom row of the LEDs?

Compared to the printing on the pcb your LEDs are rotated by 180 degrees



Have you tried to connect the top row of the PCB with the top row of the LEDs and the bottom row of the PCB with the bottom row of the LEDs?

That would in fact, be the problem! :astonished: