7 segment doesn't work properly, no display, no counts!

Here I attached you the picture of my project:

It doesn't show proper number as I programmed, maybe you think my code has little mistake but when I implement my code to the simulation using Proteus, it works very ok! So, I assume no mistake in the code.

I use two power supply for this project...
1st power supply for the arduino using usb cable
2nd power supply using ac to dc power supply for the shift register (74HC595)
And I wonder why I turn on and off and on and off repeatedly, the 7segment show weird number (not number exactly)
When I reach more than 4 V for the 2nd power supply, the 7 segment turned off...in fact the normal voltage 2-6V (from datasheet)

When the 7segment doesnt appear, I move my finger near the IC shift register, and the 7segment shows response by lighting dimly..
It is so weird.

Anyone can help me about this weird ?


As I said in the other post it is not weird, it is a floating input somewhere.

I have tried to make pull down connection as instructed at the website,but still it doesn't work...
The led is blinking but the 7 segment even not on....
Anyone help me???? =(

It would be very helpful if you took the time to draw a schematic of your circuit.

The picture you provided really isn't enough to understand what you are trying to do. (It's nearly impossible to tell where all of the connections or going or even what orientation the chips are plugged into the breadboard.)

Along with a proper schematic, code would help isolate software or hardware issues.

Here I attach my schematic screen shoot...
Sorry if the size it too large, because I want to make sure the number is clear...
If you have Proteus Simulation, I can give you the soft file...anw it works in the simulation but not in the real circuit...

It might be better if you attached a file of the schematic rather than the picture because it is still hard to see. Use the additional operations triangle under the reply box.
Also a bit of code would help. Rather than the full project how about a small a sketch as possible that shows the problem of the seven segment display not working.

Here I attach it !
A lot of thanks!
anw it works on the simulation! but in not in the prototype implementation...

Target_circuit_BareboneArduinodit_driving7segwithmultipleregister_yosua.DSN (269 KB)

to_the_end.pde (8.05 KB)

I didn't look closely at the schematic, and it is hard to tell via the wiring, but my best guess is that you have a Light Test wire tied low or high somewhere. (most seven segment drivers have a light test pin that will turn all of the led segments on).

What do you mean with light test pin?
Yes, I have turn on the light on the 7seg, it works ok...

But when connected to the ic shift register, it cant count...

I have never come across this light test feature on a component either.
When you say it won't count, exactly what does it do and what are you expecting?