7-Segment LED and 20x4 LCD


Newbie just staring to play around with an Uno with small test projects and now looking to get my hands dirty. I have a project that I need a count down timer and found this example which is pretty much what I am looking for:


The project in the link uses a Arduino Mega, 4x4 Matrix keypad and a 20x4 LCD to show the time but I was wondering if the timer output can also be displayed on three large 7-Segment LEDs at the same time 7-Segment Display - 6.5" (Red) - COM-08530 - SparkFun Electronics. I only need three for minute and seconds (0:00).

If someone could point me to some examples or even if it is possible I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,


Sorry, wiring was not really the issue I am foreseeing. Coding was more the issue to get the LCD and the 7 segment to display the same count down time. I am not sure if you can initialize both at the same.


I am not sure if you can initialize both at the same.

Yes, it is just a matter of Arduino sending data to LED and then sending data to LCD immediately after. The data won't be the same, but that isn't a problem. All you have to do is make sure it is the right data.

Wiring is an issue, as it is governed by the choice of LED, and is worth considering at the outset.

Sorry, wiring was not really the issue I am foreseeing. Coding was more the issue to get the LCD and the 7 segment to display the same count down time. I am not sure if you can initialize both at the same.


You didn't bother going to that link, because if you had, you wouldn't had made that comment. :roll_eyes:

You didn't bother going to that link, because if you had, you wouldn't had made that comment. :roll_eyes:

I actually read that page a few times prior to even posting this topic. Maybe because of my inexperience I am not seeing anything in that page or the links within that is helping me wrap my head around this.

OP is using a mega. LOTS of pins. you can hook three segments individually. 7x3=21 > 70 pins of mega.
