74HC595, 74LS47 and 7 segment display??

I'm new with arduino and electronics and I was wondering if it is posible to use 74HC595 conected to 74LS47 to control a 7 segment display

Yes. You can control a single 7-segment display directly.

After all, you get 8 outputs from the 74HC595 so you don't really need the 74LS47.

Be careful calculating your series resistors. Keep it to no more than around 10mA per segment. The 74hc595 has a limit of around 70mA for the whole chip to sink/source.

If you need more current, transistors could be added, or use tipc6b595 instead.


TPIC6B595, my favorite shift register 8)
Awesome for driving common anode 7-segment displays.