74hc595 + bluetooth

hello guys !

i need to control leds and servomotors with an android app using 74hc595 and arduino board . but i can't connect my bluetooth module with the 74hc595 , i need help please and thanks .
this is the code i tried for one led .


int DS_pin = 8;   
int STCP_pin = 9; 
int SHCP_pin = 10;
int blueTx=0;
int blueRx=1;
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(blueTx,blueRx);
boolean registre[8]; 

void setup()
    //configure les broches en sortie

void EcrireRegistre()
  digitalWrite(STCP_pin, LOW);
  for (int i = 7; i>=0; i--)
    digitalWrite(SHCP_pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(DS_pin, registre[i] );
    digitalWrite(SHCP_pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(STCP_pin, HIGH);

void loop()
 if (bluetooth.available()>=0){
     char value1=Serial.read();
     switch (value1){
     case 'o': registre[3]=HIGH;break;
     case 'p': registre[3]=LOW ;break;

Hello. Thanks for using code tags. +1 Karma.

Your "EcrireRegistre()" function is in effect the same as the standard Arduino "shiftOut()" function, so I think you should use that instead.

You can use a 74hc595 shift register to switch LEDs on and off. Do you need to dim them? That is possible, but not not a thing for a beginner to try.

Controlling servo motors with a 74hc595 is also possible. It is a little like dimming LEDs. Again, not something a beginner would have any success with.

Why do you say you need to do these things with a 74hc595? How many LEDs and how many servos? Why can you not use Arduino pins?

int blueTx=0;
int blueRx=1;
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(blueTx,blueRx);

Which Arduino is this.
You can't have softwareSerial on the hardwareSerial pins.