8 button bluetooth remote control with 1 joystick

i have a bluetooth remote control with 8 simple push buttons

play pause
bright up
bright down

this are simple push buttons

wanto to make that an analog joystick make to press for me this 8 buttons with certain location of the joystick
joy up vol+
joy down vol-
joy right fw
joy left rd
joy up-right playpause
joy up-left home
joy down left bright-
joy down right bright+

so with jus 1 controler y can get this 8 button working with an arduino usb board,

but waht other devices i need to get to make this work and if it will be possible to make it

what do i need relays or Optoisolatori

the thing is that i want to instal this remote control on my car but i only have space for 1 button or joystick so need somenting to use this 8 buttons whit just 1 joystick

bets regard hann

The simplest way of doing this would be to analog read the position values based on where you want the button to be, and use IF statements to activate the corresponding button. It is not a very smart way of doing it, but it will work.

The simplest way of doing this would be to analog read the position values based on where you want the button to be, and use IF statements to activate the corresponding button. It is not a very smart way of doing it, but it will work.

thanks but what pieces i need to purchase i have the joystick i have the code to analog read ti but the problem that i have is to make it press the buttons for me i just need to press then once except for home i need that one to be pressed for more thant 3 secs


To press the button, find the contact point on the button OR the pin on the IC, make a solder point for that button and connect it to the I/O pin on the arduino.
use either case statements or IF statements
just an example

byte buttonPlay = 2;
byte buttonPause = 3;
byte buttonFForward = 4; 
byte buttonRewind = 5;
home, vol up, vol down,etc.

//seudo code
if(analogRead(Xposition) == 500 && analogRead(Yposition) == 400){
       digitalWrite(buttonPlay, HIGH)
else {
       digitalWrite(buttonPlay, LOW)

//repeat for other buttons