Im a bit of an amateur when it comes to this, so bear with me!
Im doing a project at Uni which requires me to control 8 Servos, I have downloaded the megaservo library but this only seems to control the servos at the same time. Is there a way of controlling them individually with one arduino?
I suspect that the code is the example at the bottom of this page:
where a number of servos are controlled by a single pot - just ignore the example and drive the servos as you want.
I suspect that the example is written like that to get a workable program into a sensible-sized sketch.
I suspect that the example is written like that to get a workable program into a sensible-sized sketch.
It's was written to be very short sketch demonstrating control of lots of servos.
As mentioned in that playground article, there is no longer a need to use MegaServo. The latest version of the code is used for the Servo library distributed with Arduino 0017.