8 pins DPDT relays

Hi guys
How to connect a 8pins dpdt relay to arduino board?

I like to use wire when I connect my relays. Sometimes little skinny wires, other times big fat wires. It just depends on what I'm connecting the relay to, like an LED or a two kilowatt heater. You might want to consider using wire too, it works well for me. I especially like the wire types with the rubbery kind of colored coatings on the outside, I just love all the color combinations I can make. Wires can really make a great visual pop for your projects.

But enough about colors. What do you want to connect your relay to? Like what are you going to make? Oh, yeah, we'll need the relay specs as well, unless you know how to drive the relay with your Arduino.

Start by posting details of the relay, like a link to the datasheet or schematic, or some photos.

your relay works at 5v or 12v?

On the basis of the knowledge implied by the question I'd suggest via a commercially available relay interface board

Is the Arduino going to drive the relay or, the other way round?

Yes - We need to see the datasheet for the particular relay.

As a general rule, you can't directly drive a relay coil with the Arduino. The arduino puts-out 5V at 40mA or less and most relay coils require more voltage and/or more current than that. You usually need a transistor or MOSFET driver circuit, or as jackrae suggests you can get a relay board with a driver built-in (although you may still need a power supply).

[u]Here is a MOSFET driver example[/u]. It's shown driving a 12V motor, but it can also drive a 12V relay coil, or you can drive a relay coil with a different voltage rating as long as you use the appropriate power supply.

If you need help connecting the relay contacts, tell us what you're trying to do... Are you turning a light on & off? ...Reversing a DC motor? ...Etc?

How to connect a 8pins dpdt relay...

Two pins are for the coil. There are two common contacts, two normally-closed contacts, and two normally-open contacts. You don't necessarily have to use all 6 contacts. (Id' say most DPDT relay applications don't use all 6 contacts.)

Welcome to the forum.

Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

If you need help connecting the relay contacts, tell us what you're trying to do... Are you turning a light on & off? ...Reversing a DC motor? ...Etc?


reversing a bldc motor

Google is your friend.


Another newbie responding to a dead, three year old thread where the OP never responded and was never heard from again.

Save your efforts for where it might do some good. Don’t take the bait.